Nov 4, 2014

Senior Day

This saturday, the team had its last home-game of the season. As a tradition, the day of the last home-game of season is senior day, and the game is called our senior-game.

The week before, all the freshmen, sophomores and juniors were busy with preparing their part of senior day: decorating the locker room, making banners and buying them presents. As a freshmen, I helped pimping the locker room up. We all made posters for the seniors, hang up pendulums and used balloons to make the locker room look more fun. I ended up being in the locker room until 11.30 PM, without having dinner. Riley, Paige and I decided to go to the Stake 'N Shake to make up for dinner and I wasn't in bed until well after 1 AM.

On senior day, we all went to the locker room early to write a little message for each senior and to sign a gift for all of our coaches. We had breakfast with the team, got ready for the game in the locker room, and went to the field. We did our warm-up as usual, but the line-up was different: we made a tunnel under which the seniors and their family walked, while their achievements both on and off the field were summed up. Then we played DePauw. Sadly, we lost.

After the game, we went to the auditorium and had lunch with the team and all the family that had come to the game. We chatted a bit while I was enjoying the good food (I'm not too impressed by the food in the cafeteria, but Americans make good homemade food). After that we honored our seniors, thanked them for all they had done and then thanked the coaches too. It was a great way to end season.

One more game to go!

Staying up late with Riley and Paige to pimp the locker room up

On our way to Stake 'N Shake. Since it was Halloween, most people in the Steak 'N Shake were dressed up in their Halloween costumes. There was this one creepy guy, sitting alone in the corner, I think he was dressed up as a vampire? Anyways, he was laughing in a creepy way every time someone walked past him. Yeah, creepy.

Breakfast! Not much different than breakfast before most home games. The highlight was that Megan and Casey were fighting over a yoghurt (at least that's what I think they were doing) and that the yoghurt exploded on them. They had yoghurt all over them.

Preparing in the locker room!

Our "tunnel": all the seniors got a bouquet of flowers from coach, after which they walked through the tunnel while someone summed up all their on and off field achievements and thanked them for all they've done.

The game! Sadly, we lost 6-0...

The parents brought homemade food. So I had a lot.

Honoring the seniors. I'm going to miss you all!

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