Sep 22, 2014

Wittenberg Field Hockey Tigers

Being a Field Hockey Tiger for Wittenberg University is amazing. The team is great, we're like one big family. We meet up quite often, having four practices of 2,5 each and two games a week, and often have study tables or parties with each other. We meet up an hour/ half an hour before practice to get dressed and chat, dance and sing the hour away. After practice, we all take a quick shower and get dinner together. If you need help with one of your subjects, there's always an upperclassmen that's there to help you. If you need to go to the store, there's always someone willing to drive you there. I love my teammates. The coaches and sports doctors are great too, they're always there to help you, give individual practices, tips, etc. and are so nice. Even though season is really intense, it's lots of fun too. Here is a preview of a(n away) game day.

Game day

Departure - If we're having an away game, we meet up about half an hour before we're supposed to depart. We get a bag that we fill with our uniforms, shoes, mouthguard, shampoo etc. and make sure that our Tiger Buddies get the packages we prepared for them, without finding out that who their Tiger Buddy is. When we have everything we need, we bring our stuff to the bus and get to our seats, taking our own Tiger Buddy package, schoolbag, a blanket and a pillow with. The drive, whether it is one or four hours away, is filled with doing homework, watching movies, listening to music, chatting, and sleeping.

Two hours before - Everyone is in the locker room, getting dressed, seeing the sports doctors, re-reading the report on the team we're about to play against. We listen to music with the volume turned all the way up, dancing an getting pumped up for the game. Fifteen minutes before we're supposed to walk to the field, we all exchange our individual goals and pump each other up a bit more.

An hour before - Time to start with our warmup. We walk to the field in pairs of two, usually in our practice jersey while carrying our game jersey and stick. We do our usual routine, which consists of running, one vs. ones, the "W"-shaped offense drill, a four vs. four attack/ defense drill, corners and tip-ins. 

The game - We switch our practice jerseys for our game jerseys and line up in order of our numbers. In two long lines, both teams walk up to the middle of the field and spread out into one long line of players and coaches. The game commentator gives some information about the game and starts with voicing both start-ups: every player that starts the game gets named, once again in order of our numbers, and gets a round of applause from both the other players and the audience. After voicing both start-ups, everyone is asked to take of their heads, face the American flag and sing with the national anthem (players put their right hand on the right shoulder of the player in front of them). After this, both teams do a quick yell and it's time for the game to begin.

During the game, the players that are not in the field support their team by cheering them up and acting as if they are assistant coached. When a player on the field switches with someone who's on the bench, the commentator let's the audience know who switched for who. When someone scores, the commentator lets the audience know who scored. When someone gets a penalty corner, the commentator will let you know. Everyone can see the competing teams, remaining time, the score etc. on the score board, and the entire game is videotaped.

It's quite an experience.

Team dinner in the CDR

Team Roster - The Wittenberg Field Hockey Team 2014-2015

The Wittenberg Field Hockey Freshmen of Class 2018

Bus ride with the team / With Carlijn, the other Dutchie on the team

 Wittenberg vs. Oberlin(I'm #18)

Wittenberg vs. Oberlin (I'm #18)

Getting ready for a party with some teammates

Field Hockey Roster

1 comment:

  1. Girls look cool so much.
    Wish we could have been there. Good play!
