Apr 3, 2015

Winterbreak - Home, Paris, Terschelling and Seattle

During winter break I decided to go home, mostly because I was missing my family. Being home was great - I got to see my family and best friends, I got to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, and I got to eat Dutch food again.

The first week of break was hectic. I met up with lots of friends, hang out with my family, celebrated Christmas about three times and went to parties. It was great to see how everyone was doing, but I have to admit that it freaked me out a little bit that my little brother and sister were growing up so fast. I still can't really believe how fast time goes, and how fast the people around you change. Most of my friends had moved out of their family's houses and were busy with their own studies and their new student life.

The beginning of the second week of break, my family, Marise (Julie her best friend) and I spent in Paris. We had a great time visiting the Eiffel tower, Musee D'Orsay, the Grand Palais and more. Paris is gorgeous, and every time we visit there are new things that catch my attention. Whenever we were not in some tourist attraction, we were either driving around or enjoying the French cuisine.

After a short pitstop in Haarlem, we left for Terschelling. We spent the last day of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 with both the family and some family friends. We walked around on the beach, "raved" in our hotel room and spent most of our time eating. It was a pretty good time.

Terschelling was fun, and after we spent some more time with family and close friends back home. It was soon time to leave the Netherlands again and go back to the U.S. Luckily I didn't go straight back to school: I got to spent some time with family friends in Seattle. I made it there in time, but my luggage sadly didn't.

In Seattle, I went to the movies quite a couple of times. I watched Selma with a bunch of college kids that I met on the day itself, The Imitation Game (great great movie) with Amy and Lynn and a documentary on the maintaining of sea life in a beautiful part of the world (I have no recollection of the name of this movie, but is was in an ONIMAX theater and it was beautiful) with Amy and Eric.

I didn't spent all of my time in the movie theaters: I also got to shop a little and see more of the city. Just like when I visited Seattle with my dad, I visited the Pike Place Market and the Seattle Museum of Art (SAM). Both are amazing. The market is adorable and the SAM had some gorgeous new expositions. After a couple of days with some amazing people in an amazing city, it was really time to get back to school.

Making dinner with Tessa

Serious Request in Haarlem

Jopenkerk with Hannah

Grace Kelly exposition with mom, Val, Jules and I

Christmas & Meeting a new family member for the first time!


Me, Jules, Marise

Oh Christmas...

Louvre, Paris

Family picture! Walter, me, Valerie and Julie in front of the Eiffel tower

Happy New Year!


Jules & I

Walter, Felix and Eduard in Terschelling

Goodbye again...

Pike Place Market, Seattle

Seattle Art Museum (SAM)

Making new friends!

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